Blanchards Bailey business update

The situation arising from the global Coronavirus is changing almost daily. Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on 23 March at 20:30 we are obliged to temporarily close all Blanchards Bailey offices for at least the next 21 days.

During this time, the business of the firm shall be continuing as normal with all staff working remotely whilst complying with the government’s mandate.

Over the last few weeks we have worked hard to apply measures to ensure that we can keep delivering uninterrupted legal services when you need it most. Prior to 23 March many staff were already working remotely, on secure devices so as to safeguard business continuity. The technology is in place to allow all staff to work remotely.

As such, with the exception of temporarily closing our “bricks and mortar” offices, you should not notice any significant difference in the service we provide in both ongoing matters and new instructions.

We understand that the government’s mandate will make attending certain meetings in person impossible. To overcome that, we have full telephone and video conferencing facilities available to allow us to speak with you via your computer, tablet or phone. So, not only can we work from anywhere – we can speak with you wherever you are too. If you are concerned about any impact on a scheduled meeting, or you feel you may need to meet with someone in person, please call 01258 459361 or contact your usual team member

We will continue to ensure that you receive the legal advice you need, when you need it. If you have any concerns about the impact of the current situation on your business, employment, property, family, estate plans or any other aspect of the law, please do get in touch. We’ll continue to update and advise further via email and through our social media channels as matters develop.

We’re at your side, for life’s journey.

Stay safe.  

Blanchards Bailey

So, how can we help?

Whatever your requirements, our team is standing by.

Call us today on
01258 459361