Our Weymouth office.
Law beside the seaside
Specialising in litigation, commercial, commercial property and residential property
As a historic seaside resort, Weymouth is known for its classic promenades, stunning views and historic fishing fleet. Thousands flock to the town every summer, with many returning year on year, charmed and enchanted.
With a strong focus on providing the very best client experience, our Weymouth team is similarly proud to attract strong repeat custom. We look forward to welcoming you at our office by the sea, where we hope to add you to the ranks of lifelong Blanchards Bailey clients.
Get in touch with our Weymouth office
Office E4
Lynch Lane Offices
Dorset DT4 9DN
Explore our other locations
Bunbury House
Stour Park
Blandford Forum
Dorset DT11 9LQ
Newborough House
3 Queen Mother Square
Dorset DT1 3BJ
34 High Street
So, how can we help?
Whatever your requirements, our team is standing by.
Call us today on
01258 459361