Fixed fee January consultations

Whether in business or in our personal lives, January is the ideal time to finish off all those niggling jobs which have been hanging on since the previous year. In fact, this January is possibly even better than most as we all try to wash away the chaos of 2020!

Dealing with legal issues is no different from any other task; they often seem harder to tackle until you actually get started. And sometimes you need a bit of help just to get started.

So, to help you start your January de-clutter Blanchards Bailey are offering fixed fee consultations across all areas of practice for the whole of January. Consider it an MOT for your legal problems! Whether you need to get started on drafting wills and powers of attorney, get to grips with a new lease, sort out a directors agreement for your new start-up or chase up those old business debts, one of our team of experts is on hand to assist.

We’ll arrange to meet with you by telephone or video call for up to one hour to discuss the matter and “get under the bonnet” of your aims and objectives. We’ll flag up any advisories and future work that may need to be carried out, as well as possible future costs. Finally, we’ll make sure that you finish your consultation with a clear idea of what steps you can take to progress the matter.

The cost of all “MOT” consultations are capped at a fixed fee of £100 plus VAT and will apply to new consultation instructions received across all areas of practice until the end of January.

Contact us on or on 01258 459361 to find out how we can help you get your 2021 started in the right way. 

Blanchards Bailey

So, how can we help?

Whatever your requirements, our team is standing by.

Call us today on
01258 459361