National Children's Day UK 2024: Empowering Children

Sunday 12th May was National Children’s Day UK 2024. This special day not only celebrates the joy of a healthy childhood but also emphasises the critical need to support the mental and emotional wellbeing of our next generation. 

A History of Advocacy and Support

National Children's Day UK was established in 1954 with a mission to promote the welfare and wellbeing of children across the country. Today, it has transformed into a day filled with activities and events that recognise and empower children, resonating with this year’s theme - Movement: Moving More for Our Mental Health.

This Year's Focus: Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

The 2024 theme draws attention to the crucial role of mental health and emotional well-being in children's lives. With the challenges brought upon by a global pandemic and cost of living crisis, the goal this year focused on nurturing children's emotional resilience, fostering a positive mindset, and providing them with the necessary tools to navigate their emotions effectively.

Safeguarding Children's Rights and Wellbeing

National Children's Day UK also emphasises the significance of protecting children's rights, and the need to create an inclusive and supportive environment that allows every child to thrive and reach their full potential.

According to data held by CAFCASS, as of March 2024 there were 30,254 open Court cases or proceedings involving the welfare of 48,741 children. These numbers highlight the complexities and the necessity of legal proceedings that prioritise the best interests of children.

Understanding Best Interests in Legal Contexts

Legal proceedings involving children take a child-centred approach, focusing on what is best for their physical, emotional, and educational development. The legal system recognises the importance of giving children a voice and ensuring their rights are protected. It also provides an opportunity for parents, professionals, and the wider community to educate themselves about the legal principles that guide these processes. Understanding the complexities of the legal system not only empowers individuals but also ensures that children receive the appropriate support and protection they deserve.

National Children's Day UK serves as a tacit reminder of the legal processes that exist to safeguard children's wellbeing and promote their rights.

Join the Movement to Empower Our Children

In the spirit of National Children's Day UK 2024, our Family Law Team are committed to empowering children through understanding, support, and legal protection, ensuring that they can lead fulfilling lives and reach their full potential.

If you require any assistance to children matters or would like to discuss any aspect, please contact Julie Keogh at 01258459361, or email, who would be happy to discuss this with you. 

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