Our offices are open for business for new and existing clients

We are happy to open our offices, at long last, to clients once more.

Further to the loosening of restrictions nationally, our Blandford and Dorchester offices have reopened for client appointments in matters relating to wills, powers of attorney and estates planning matters. We have conducted a thorough coronavirus risk assessment and implemented a Covid-secure policy to ensure the safety of both staff and clients. We will therefore continue to operate in accordance with Covid-secure guidelines.

As such, visitors and clients attending the offices are requested to do so through pre-arranged appointments only. Visitors are requested to be wearing a face-covering on arrival (unless they are exempt from doing so), have their temperature checked and complete a coronavirus assessment form before being taken to a meeting room. Social distancing will remain in place at all times.

Meeting rooms will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized between meetings including tables, seats, light switches and handles.

Provided the government’s plans to lift all restrictions nationally proceed on 21st June, we hope to be able to welcome clients back to all offices across all matters from that time.

Whilst wills, powers of attorney and estates planning matters remain the priority for meetings, if you feel it is necessary to attend the office, please speak with a member of our team in advance.

If you have an appointment and you or anyone you live with, or have been in contact with, has any of the symptoms of Coronavirus, please do not visit the offices, stay at home and adhere to the 14-day self-isolation guidance to protect yourself and others.

We have recently started to increase the numbers of staff working in our offices, and plans are in place to extend numbers further over the next month in a Covid-secure manner. We aim to have all staff who wish or need to attend being able to do so on a rota basis by 21st June. Many employees remain working remotely however and we anticipate an element of remote working shall remain in place indefinitely.

We are happy to be welcoming clients back to our offices and look forward to seeing you soon. 

Blanchards Bailey

So, how can we help?

Whatever your requirements, our team is standing by.

Call us today on
01258 459361