Someone overstepping the line?
Boundary disputes are one of the most common disagreements that we are asked to advise on. Farmland frequently means multiple neighbours and a large parameter to monitor. Often parcels of land appear to be unused, sitting between neighbours’ fences or at the bottom of a bank. This leaves them vulnerable to being occupied and either claimed under adverse possession or via a dispute about the position of the boundary line.
When it comes to disputes of this nature, it’s key to remember that the fence is not the boundary. Ordnance Survey plans delineate features, not boundary lines. As a feature moves, the updated maps will merely show a line reflecting what is on the ground. Plans, aerial photography, witness evidence and conveyances are all extremely useful in helping to determine the true boundary line.
Is the dispute worth it? You are the only person that can answer this. Often a boundary dispute arises where the neighbour has been unreasonable over a number of things and this is a clear defiance of a respectful neighbourly relationship – this being the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Often the costs of a boundary dispute are not proportionate to the value of the land. With this being said, we have seen cases where neighbours have taken land to stop a development or building works, making the land very valuable indeed.
Often, when principles (in addition to boundaries) are being defended, many will feel that the cost of resolving the matter is proportionate.
How we help
Dealing with boundary disputes can be time-consuming, taking you away from your core farming priorities. Our specialist litigation team is here to provide approachable, supportive and proactive legal services, tailored to meet your unique needs. We understand your commitments as a farmer, and will work around your day when communicating, coming out to see you if that is more convenient.
We recognise that there are heavy demands on your time. Our goal is to alleviate the burden of dealing with boundary disputes, so that you can focus on your daily operations. Our proactive approach means that we take the lead in managing all aspects of your case, keeping you informed and swiftly actioning your instructions.
Contact our team of legal experts today and find out how we can help with your agricultural boundary disputes.