Swift solutions, reduced stress
It’s so important that the right decisions are made for your loved one if they don’t have capacity to make them themselves. Whether related to property and finances or health and welfare, our team of Court of Protection experts can help you ensure that your loved one’s best interests are at the heart of the decision making.
If you have concerns about the way an attorney or deputy is carrying out their role on behalf of your loved one, we can help you navigate through the process of challenging their decisions, or getting them removed.
Likewise, if you are an attorney or deputy and you have been accused of not acting in the best interests of the person who lacks capacity, we’ll work closely with you to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved. If there is no attorney or deputy in place and differing views about what is best for the person, we’re here to help guide you through all available options.
How we help
We never underestimate how distressing disputes of this nature can be for those involved. Our team is here to help you reach a resolution as smoothly and swiftly as possible, in a professional but empathetic manner, reducing stress and increasing the chances of a swift resolution.
Speak with our team today to learn more about how we can support you with attorney or deputyship disputes.